

Set in America’s Deep South during the 1930s, the story takes place in the southern United States and tells the forty years of a black woman’s life. In these 40 years, she endured the incredible oppression of men, and finally learned to defend herself and got a special gift. This is a story of hope: a testament to the healing power of love.


2017 Grammy Award:
Best Musical Theater Album

2017 Daytime Emmy Award:
Outstanding Musical Performance in a Daytime Program
(Cynthia Erivo and the Cast of The Color Purple on Today)

2016 Tony Award:
Best Revival of a Musical
Best Actress in a Musical(Cynthia Erivo)

2016 Drama Desk Award:
Outstanding Actress in a Musical(Cynthia Erivo)
Outstanding Director of a Musical(John Doyle)

2006 Tony Award:
Best Actress in a Musical(LaChanze)

Media Review

“A miracle on Broadway a glory to behold!”

——The New York Times

“Never was there such stamping, cheering, hooting, roaring and whistling…it rocks the house!”


“A musical with heart, spirit and soul.”

——The Guardian

Genre: Race/Women Empowerment

Duration: 120+ mins

To view musical video footage, please click here.