Madgascar the Musical



Based on the smash DreamWorks animated motion picture, Madagascar the Musical follows all of your favorite crack-a-lackin’ friends as they escape from their home in New York’s Central Park Zoo and find themselves on an unexpected journey to the madcap world of King Julien’s Madagascar. The nonstop escapades and rollicking pop score will have audiences of all ages wanting to “Move It, Move It!” with their favorite characters.

Media Review

“Highly Recommended! Crack-a-lackin Fun for the Family.”

——Chicago Theatre

“Even the most fidgety five year-old will be transfixed by Max Humphries’ intricate and entirely convincing puppetry design.”


“More punch and pizzazz than you could possibly hope.”


Genre: Family/Puppets

Duration: 80 mins

To view musical video footage, please click here.